
Over the years I have had friends and family repeatedly tell me I should write.  My husband and I are raising 8 beautiful children, with 4 souls in heaven.  We have three children who have special needs, and another who needed multiple open heart surgeries.  Guess you could say we are definitely a one-in-a-million family!!!  Sometimes we send Christmas letters.  When our son needed open heart surgery the world of all the new social media outlets was a great means to keep in touch and let people know how he was doing.  Then there were repeated nudges to keep writing… as people would share that they gained inspiration from what I would write.  Kind of stumps me, honestly.  But, if this blog helps one person; helps me build a written document of our life, I am all in!

I am not a “writer” by profession, so I am painfully aware that my writing is FILLED with all kinds of grammatical, writing faux pas!!!  Mea culpa!  If you can stumble through my weak writing skills and hear the sound of all that flows from my mother’s heart, God bless you!  I hope you enjoy!  Please feel free to sign up to receive posts via e-mail using the “Follow” button on the opening page!

My name is Maureen Donnelly

e-mail mtaacademy13@aol.com

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop in to read, leave your thoughts and/or questions, I appreciate your feedback.

I also beg your patience as I learn this thing called “blogging”!

11 thoughts on “About

  1. Beautifully stated! Those of us with hard lives also get to experience more blessing! Great job passing it on..,congrats!


  2. Maureen, Brooke and I are so pleased that you were able to use some of our natural decorating ideas for Easter! Thanks so much for linking to us. Your table looked great!! Nicely done. xoxo Tina and Brooke, Designers Collective

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello! Found your blog through Charlie. We are longtime friends from W.Kim. I so agree with you about sharing your story and how if it can help one person. I too write here on WordPress about our son’s and our family’s journey with autism. http://www.talesfromthebutt.com. We share very similar stories with our writing. You are a beautiful writer and am looking forward to continuing to follow your stories. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, Maureen. I was a member of the Veni Spiritus Homeschool group and just stumbled onto your blog now. Thank you for your faith and honesty. God bless you and your entire family as you are an inspiration to me and others. I too, am a mother to many. We are expecting our eighth child and we have a soul in heaven too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, I didn’t even think that last post went out!! How did you find it? (I am miserably computer tech illiterate) Thank you so much for your kind words! Congrats on number 8!! They bring so much joy despite any difficulty.


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